Member Since: 29 May 2015
Location: co.durham
Posts: 70
Discovery 4 sucking noise |
So discovery 4 2012 3L sdv6 just started with a sucking noise from wing air intake checked normal stuff with no avail so now I’m asking if anyone has had this or knows what it could be it does it at low speed up to 2000 - 2500 rpm very annoying and loud any advise welcome ... thanks
11th Mar 2020 5:28 pm |
Member Since: 09 Oct 2012
Location: Cambridge
Posts: 181
Someone suggested that a noise from the intake on one of my threads:
XDAndy wrote:Is it worth checking around the air intake etc for leaks?
My D3 had a similar issue which I put down to being ‘just how it is’
When I came to sell it, a fellow forum member came to look and said it ‘wasn’t right’ and picked up a ‘whooshing’ that I’d missed for two years; me, and a Land Rover mechanic / enthusiast
Turned out the previous owner hadn’t put the spindle back when they removed the butterfly valve when disabling the EGR valves. Left a permanent leak, and when the turbo was trying to up the air pressure, it just leaked and left an underpowered car.
Response was for the car to hesitate, downshift Then pull off
Putting the spindle in ..... different car!
Got a D4 when we emigrated, and similar issue with the air intake box not being properly located into the throttle-body
So, worth a look?
Good luck
24th Jun 2020 12:08 pm |