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italy meeting with off road track
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2009
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Italy 2007 Discovery 3 TDV6 XS Auto Tangiers OrangeDiscovery 3
italy meeting with off road track

Italy - varano de melegare off road track

Varano's Melegari - 19/09/2010 EXP. Iscr. 05/09/2010

"Varano de Melegari - 19/09/2010"

This is open to everyone in the world that want to partecipate!!!!!!

Hello everyone,
in this post we defined the day of the event together, it's time to think about the final entries.

Carryover here for convenience features of the tour:
The track,strictly off, runs entirely within a private estate is about 27 km and it takes about 3 hours.

The entire route is "basic" path plus many variants that are usable with standard road tires.
If it rains (or in the presence of mud) variations are more difficult,and only usable with mud tires.

If we get stuck,and we cannot handle it by ourself,tractors can pull us out of trouble free of charge(tips are welcome).

For the more adventurous there is also a trial area near the starting point / dining set up with a mud tank for stealing flag!if there is an adequate number of participants who want get to the edge,with a small fee,we will be able to do that

How not know what steals the flag is??
See pictures of Diego made last year:

The facility is also equipped with two powerful coins water jets with which you can clean the wheels and avoid any trouble with the Traffic Police.

Cost: 30 euros per car, regardless of the number of occupants of the car.

In addition to drinks, the menu will include appetizers of cold cuts, a first of (homemade pasta), meat, vegetables and dessert.
Cost of lunch: 25 euros per person.

Children are welcome and of course, since the whole area is a hunting reserve, will also be able to see some animals running around. Along the route there are two basic enclosures where they can see the deer and wild boar.
Pets allowed!

Now we come finally to the program:

09:00 - Meeting at the estate.
09:10 - Start off path
About 13 o'clock - lunch

Possibility to choose from:
repeat round
"Play" in the trial
fun with the "stealing flag"

The property has accommodation.
Anyone wishing to arrive the day before can sleep in the estate by planting their own tent (they make available the toilet) or at a local farmhouse or hotel to book their own.
For further info, this is the link of the structure:

Entries close on 05/09/2010.

The registration of each car will be validated with a deposit of 30 euros NOT REFUNDABLE.
Please ask you to make the payment to this address: max.tarbe @ as "gift" so that I may receive net of tax, paypal.

Be sure to also communicate the number of participants in the lunch and your possible interest in "stealing flag".

Obviously if you want to involve the friends, everyone will be welcome

the road book is available now, if you want to have in advance send your email address via PM and I send him there.

In the certainty of seeing at least confirmed the "pre-enrolled," I trust in the participation of other friends who have not yet been able to join (to name a few, Paul Piadina with friends discoromagna, globetrotter ,...).

Hello everyone.

PS there are some pious soul which reflects the main points in English and a public post in the Events section contains a link to this

 figuring it out!!!!
the best feeling:getting airborne. 
Post #66381223rd Jun 2010 10:41 am
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