Member Since: 17 Mar 2010
Location: Stay at Home. One of the lives you save could be your own.
Posts: 5114
I'm happy to pass on the instructions by electronic means if they would help you.
However, I can't be absolutely sure it will fit the petrol engine as I don't know if it has the same air filter box as the diesel. Probably someone will be along soon who does know.
The one I obtained is a proper snorkel in that it is watertight to above roof level. The kit includes new parts that go inside the wing and seal to the filter box. A vaccine does not stop you catching a virus, or passing it on, or getting ill from it, really ill. It does reduce the likelyhood of you dying when really, really ill. Stay Alive - KEEP AWAY FROM PEOPLE.
6th Mar 2011 2:50 pm |
Member Since: 28 Feb 2011
Location: Den Haag
Posts: 317
Hi, I'd be interested in instructions if you're happy to send them on? I can't PM at the minute so apologies for the post to all! (New here - been lurking for a couple of weeks!)
7th Mar 2011 10:40 am |
Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
Location: Chilterns
Posts: 4130
The link on page one no longer works do you have another link or pictures of the snorkel please?
7th Mar 2011 10:48 am |