Member Since: 07 Apr 2014
Location: Here
Posts: 13556
Planning permission adds value to land and thus it is worth something in and of itself. The potential for Member involvement reduces the risk of planning officers being bought. In reality, most planning officers actually believe in what they do so it's a very small risk in the first place. But Members like to be involved because planning is local headline fodder and politicians love the limelight.
Of course, all decisions that come from a Local Authority are, in effect, Council decisions but many / most are done using delegated powers i.e. the Council has a scheme of delegation that allows officers to make decisions on behalf of the Council. Planners also have delegated powers but Members have the power to call-in the application so it goes to committee. Some applications will always go to committee as they are of a type that is too important for delegated powers to be used.
Every Council will have its own scheme of delegation etc. They could, if they so wished, have every planning application decided by committee but it would be very unwieldy. Visiting from rrsport.co.uk
2012 RRS SDV6
2008 RRS TDV8
"When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know who's children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken. How many lives shattered. How much blood will spill, until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning: SIT DOWN AND TALK!"
28th Oct 2019 11:08 pm |
Member Since: 29 Sep 2006
Location: MIDLANDS
Posts: 8142
Years ago we had an issue with new development wanting to put up five storey block of apartments about 90m from a number of houses, blocking light, overbearing, etc.
At the planning meeting I was nominated 'spokesman' and had a strict 5 minutes to put our case across. It was 'on the bell' and a big red light came on when time up and the mic' was cut-off. I had to prepare a script and practise it to ensure could get all the words in in the allotted time! We were not against the development per se, just wanted three storey as max height for various reasons
The developer though had 'as much time as necessary' with video film, powerpoint presentations and allowed to talk for a good 30 minutes plus. Much 'smarmying' to the obviously known panel members.
At the end the decision took about thirty seconds; chair just looked around, few murmers and nods and just said four storeys approved and the developer was very happy and basically said they pitched high to get what they wanted.
Hear too many horror stories of what gets allowed and see it all around now; large individual properties demolished and half a dozen, still large, properties shoe-horned in on the same footprint....
29th Oct 2019 9:19 am |