Member Since: 14 Jul 2012
Location: surrey
Posts: 121
B11a4-11 (2f) L band antenna short circuit to ground |
All, I posted last week about my DAB losing signal with the HRW on (only) after fitting a replacement tailgate glass (off a 2016 d4, mine is 2013 GS with the lowline audio). It generally works ok with the HRW switched off (takes a couple of mins to regain signal). Sometimes a touch patchy but that's been the same since I got her back in October.
I hooked up IID yesterday to finally activate the FBH telestart kit I installed a couple of weeks ago, have a recurring code as per the thread title.
Done a bit of a search, saw a thread with a similar code amongst others where a reply asked if anyone had been behind the OSR trim in the boot recently. This set me thinking - I have, to install the fbh remote stuff. I cannot say definitively whether my no-DAB-with-HRW-on issue actually commenced with the new tailgate glass or when I installed the FBH stuff only that I noticed it on the day I installed the new glass (as I was testing the HRW did actually work ok!).
For reference, the FBH stuff is the standard d4 module which I clipped in the correct place, bought a new LR FBH aerial which is secreted up the boot side glass behind the c pillar trim, and the correct remote. Not tested it yet as not been cold enough, that will change tomorrow.......
I have a suspicion that I saw that code when doing something else GAPpy very recently, but have no screenshots so no date.
Anyone got any thoughts on what to investigate?
(If its helpful - I initially fitted the 2016 tailgate till my screen fitter could swap the glass over for me, the HRW worked but I noticed the DAB issue there and then, the DAB issue has remained the same when the screen was swapped into 'my' tailgate, but as I said, this could just be a coincidence - cant test the old screen as its in a million pieces on the M25.....).
Thanks all
24th Feb 2022 11:11 am |