Member Since: 16 Sep 2008
Location: Viseu
Posts: 103
Could the Discovery 3 be different? it could, but it wouldn't be the same thing! It has the Land Rover charisma built in!
What am I rambling about?
Well, I have been experiencing an HDC fault and random EPB faults on my Disco 3. Also been having a strange noise when cranking. I traced it to the battery, but went to a battery service shop, and they told me the charge was a bit low, but the battery seemed fine! So I charged it, but everything kept happening the same way...
So... I got tired, and bought a new battery! Everything is fine now, no more errors, running like new again!!
Instead of HDC errors and warnings of all sort, could Land Rover made a "Check Battery, Low Voltage warning"? Sure, but then it wouldn't be a Land Rover!!!
24th Nov 2011 2:46 pm |
Member Since: 26 Mar 2009
Location: Nottinghamshire
Posts: 1359
No, it wouldn't be a Land Rover! How would the poor Stealers make an absolute fortune replacing everything else before doing the obvious if there was a warning for a clappered battery?
Common sense / Land Rover? Nah, never in a million years!
Glad yours is sorted though.
24th Nov 2011 2:58 pm |
Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
Location: Chilterns
Posts: 4130
Warnings on the dash problems with a Range Rover or Discovery?
Then forget the Stealer just change the Battery
24th Nov 2011 3:02 pm |
Member Since: 03 Nov 2008
Location: Devon
Posts: 5224
gazellio wrote:Warnings on the dash problems with a Range Rover or Discovery?
Then forget the Stealer just change the Battery
Gary's top tip of the day ,I like it Www.devonchilliman.co.uk
24th Nov 2011 3:09 pm |
Member Since: 13 Oct 2007
Location: Camberley
Posts: 2270
Then the alternator
That's this Gary's tip of the day
Ouch, another £500 gone Welcome "Lola"
24th Nov 2011 3:22 pm |
Member Since: 03 Nov 2008
Location: Devon
Posts: 5224
Get yourself a "Landmark" ....you know you want to....save yourself 500 notes Www.devonchilliman.co.uk
24th Nov 2011 3:25 pm |
Member Since: 13 Oct 2007
Location: Camberley
Posts: 2270
too blooming late! Could have been a months HP payment...I keep telling Mrs BCC but the old "you have a warranty" argument keep rearing it's head.
Just waiting to see how much of the bill the warranty company will meet. To be fair, they've been pretty good in the past apart from only paying for one EGR when they were both failing
Mind you, good time to sell mine though as all the usual crap falling off and breaking bits would have been fixed
Good to go for the next 4 years until more bits start falling off. Welcome "Lola"
24th Nov 2011 3:36 pm |