Member Since: 27 Aug 2010
Location: LAND ROVER COUNTRY Silver coast, Portugal
Posts: 98
My Seepo is Dead , Just bought a new one on Ebay
does anyone know if it is a Straight forward swap or does it have to be reprogramed by Land Rover?
22nd Nov 2012 10:10 am |
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Member Since: 15 Jun 2007
Location: Sunny Cyprus
Posts: 3054
Is the replacement actually "new" as in with very little mileage / KM on the Odometer or second hand ?
I ask because your replacement will certainly have to be programmed with the CCF for your own vehicle, which includes the VIN, and it may not be possible to change the VIN on some used Instrument packs unless the Odometer is below a certain value, eg 50 KM That being said, it is a bit of a Grey area, even to us as there have been cases where the VIN has actually been changed, albeit accidentally, on vehicles that have well above this.
22nd Nov 2012 5:23 pm |
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Member Since: 15 Jun 2007
Location: Sunny Cyprus
Posts: 3054
Then either way you will have no problem.
But you will need to have the Ipack reprogrammed with the CCF for your vehilcle.
28th Nov 2012 5:52 pm |