Member Since: 01 Nov 2010
Location: krakow
Posts: 55
lr service close to Krakow/Poland |
HI guys,
happy new year!
I'd love to give some precoutions on service in Krakow/Landservice. I sinked my lady too much once last summer and went to land service. they sold to me the new battery albeit after leaving this place there was sometime too much smoke from under the bonnet. I came two more times to them. they were trying to sell to me also to change entire looming under the bonnet. I said to correct the stuff after more days there was solution. they just cleaned the plugs and connectors. that was it. I paid twice.
Second show was done to me 2 weeks ago. I requested to autologic me coz i suspected some cpu errors like vary rpm etc. they kept me waiting for 2 hours sarcasticly laughed about errors and got me an invoice.
Spare your time guys.
cheers, macgro
3rd Jan 2013 10:20 pm |