Member Since: 26 Feb 2013
Location: Nottingham
Posts: 227
Been in contact with Maxxraxx and this is the reply I had from them regarding fitting:
From our experience we should be able to set you up with a Swan Neck adapter on your VW Shuttle that will enable you to tow a caravan with an AL-KO stabiliser and carry bikes at the same time. However, we know that the swan neck towbar used on the Discovery 4 is not suitable for the same. Unfortunately, the height of the ball above the bend in the neck of the bar is not enough to leave sufficient clearance for the apron of the AL-KO stabiliser once our Swan Neck adapter is fitted.
The only solution for towing and carrying on the Discovery 4 is to have a fixed multi height flange towbar. That way you could use the same bike rack on each vehicle, but each would have its own Foot adapter; a Swan Neck on the Shuttle and a Flange plate on the Discovery.
Back to the drawing board then........... D4 Fuji White HSE with Black Pack, TV, RSE, Tow Pack, Side Steps & Heated Steering Wheel
22nd Apr 2013 8:59 am |